Savings as a Service

15+ years experience
Diverse, Local Team
Residential + Commercial Projects
No Upfront Costs
(Pay As You Save)
About Us
Since 2015, Revalue.io has been preparing communities for the transition to clean energy through energy saving building improvements (including insulation, heat pumps etc.) and removing home health hazards such as lead, mold, pests etc.
Working with local, minority contractors and utility program administrators, Revalue.io provides a full service custom "No Wrong Door" service for property owners, tenants and local contractors to access resources such as rebates, grants and other incentives that enable us to eliminate upfront costs for our customers.

"My daughters were so uncomfortable in their room, now we hardly even have to run our mini-split, the insulation job is amazing and the moisture smell is gone!!"
Mr. Gibbs
(Oakland homeowner)
"...the savings do help us cover staff wages"
D. Navarro,
(PTG Linen Facility Manager)
"When the pandemic hit, PTG Linen scaled back operations. However, the savings made through its water and electricity bills increased the company’s resiliency. PTG also pivoted the business from hotels to outdoor dining to meet the challenges of the pandemic."
City of San Leandro,
(Office of Resilience)
"With all the moving parts and restrictions on sources of funding we didn't know how we'd make the project work. Being able to rely on local contractors also made us feel better about the project."
- Diana Sacks, Community Housing Land Trust
D. Sacks
(Community Land Trust)